Our Lord has blessed this team with incredible chemistry. Just two days into our mission - and Amy and I feel like we have intimately known the other families on the team for years. Young and old alike on this team are working together to minister to the kids who are attending the "WonderLab" VBS.

A part of the day we love is the afternoon meal we share at noon. We gather in one of our rooms and share a prepared meal. We are taking turns sharing a devotion for the day. This afternoon, Tonya Chalfant reminded us about how the Holy Spirit fills and equips us for God's specific purpose - as he did for Saul (who became the Apostle Paul) in Acts 8.

There has also been tremendous chemistry between our SECC team and those who call Thrive Church home. They have stepped up in so many critical areas - especially the set up and dismantle of the school facility each day.

This church runs between 100 and 120 people each weekend. For the second night in a row - 80 or more children came to WonderLab tonight - the huge majority are not attending church otherwise. It thrills my heart - and leads me to pray that these kids go home each evening talking about the good time they had - and that parents experience workers who genuinely care about their children. How worth it every sacrifice we made would be if several families in this affluent, yet unchurched, community would discover a new church home - and more importantly - come into a saving relationship with our Lord Jesus.

My highlight of the day - I am serving as an assistant in the "culinary science" track of WonderLab. We had 10 children in our group last night - all 10 returned this evening - and one girl brought her cousin tonight! What is significant is that only 1 girl out of the 11 go to Thrive Church.

Amy's highlight of the day - Amy had an engaging conversation with a mom of two little preschoolers, Isaiah and Elijah. The boys have enjoyed both nights of WonderLab - Mom says they look forward to coming every evening this week.

Our evening ended with a group trip to Menchie's Fro Yo. We love this team!!

Respectfully submitted: Vince and Amy Garmon