I went to Appalachia to serve. When I originally encountered the opportunity I thought it would be a great time to build some stronger bonds with men from our church that I already knew and to form some new bonds. At the retreat we had before going God showed a bigger goal. I began to see that there was more to this trip and more ways to impact an even larger group. I’n Appalachia I served at the home of Rodney and Jeanie Hicks. Rodney is wheelchair bound and Jeanie does everything for him. Their home was also where my daughter served the week prior. I was able to witness first hand the impact our young people had on this couple. We completed the deck project the HSM started. There were several times when I saw God. At the beginning of the first day I was outside and looked up at the mountain ridge to the east of us and saw the sunlight filter through the trees and early morning fog. Man cannot create that kind of beauty. At our service site I saw a group of men Work selflessly together to accomplish much. That kind of unity of mind and spirit can only be accomplished through divine intervention. At the end of the day as we were saying our goodbyes I saw Rodney begin to tear up with gratitude. This glimpse of his heart was amazing. When we returned to the church where we were staying the praise team there had a special service for us. I saw a small congregation set aside ideological differences just to praise the King of Kings. I left Appalachia with a renewed desire to serve those that are poor in spirit. I realized that although those we served had very little in Earthly wealth they were rich in love. I would like to say a very Special Thank you to those who supported me with prayers and finances. May God return the blessing to you.