I've been raised in a Christian home and I'm blessed with a loving and supportive family. My biggest struggle on my journey with Jesus is seeing him clearly and what he is doing in my life. I haven't had a traumatic, life-altering experience like I've heard in a handful of other testimonies. During the summer of my freshman year, I realized each story is unique and not one is more powerful than the other. Our stories are ours-- each story is personalized and written out by God for ourselves.

When I went to Bible and Beach for my first time, I felt my faith shift after that week. I always connect with God the best through worship. At one of the sessions we were singing "Arms Open Wide." I had never felt the overwhelming presence of God until I sang, "My whole life is Yours, I give it all, Surrenedered to Your Name, And forever I will pray have Your way." I began to mature in my faith and also recommitted my relationship with God.

A few years later God began to open doors for me and I was invited to go on my first international mission trip. I was pumped! It was a creative arts mission trip. Southeast took students from the worship team to Czech Republic. We taught different music workshops at the Fusion camp which was also a faith-based camp. Students would come expecting to be transformed into rock stars but many were introduced to the Gospel for the first time. Our mission was to plant the seed in the hearts of students that live in a 98% atheistic country. I developed relationships with people that will hopefully last a lifetime.

I have a heart for relational missions ever since I went to Czech Republic. Not only do I love serving people, but I love history and culture. What better place to learn about culture than the Melting Pot?

Southeast is taking a high school group to assist with church plants in NYC. Honestly, when I first heard about the trip I was like, "Dope! Four days in NYC? Sign me up." I was easily persuaded and didn't really know anything about what we'd be doing. As I connected with a friend that had gone on the same trip before, I began to realize what all I could benefit from the trip. I would get a taste of everything: Diverse culture, new relationships and hopefully walk away with a deeper relationship with God.

If you feel led, I would appreciate any support to help make this trip possible for me. This is a four day trip over spring break and the cost is $700 all together. Your prayers/support would mean a lot! Pray for safe travels for the team and that our hearts are prepared to be the hands and feet of God. Lastly, that we have a servants heart and are willing to do anything asked of us with a cheerful spirit! If you have any questions feel free to message me. Thank you!